Ornamental Grasses
Common Name
Blue Fescue Feather Reed Grass Fountain Grass Japanese Forest Grass Lilyturf Maiden Grass Sedge Grass Switch Grass Tufted Hair Grass |
Botanical Name
Festuca Calamagrostis Pennisetum Hakonechloa Liriope Miscanthus Carex Panicum Deschampsia |
Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass Height: Zone: 4 Width: foerster One of the first grasses to come out of dormancy and is one of the earliest bloomers. Bloom usually starts around June to early July, and the seed heads resemble wheat and are straw-colored soon after emerging. Its red-bronze flower spikes will enrich your garden for years to come. It performs best if planted in full sun with rich, well-drained soil. This ornamental grass works well in mass or specimen plantings. |
Calamagtostis x ac. 'Karl Foerster
Blue Zinger Sedge
Height: 12 - 18" Zone: 5 Width: 12 - 24" The soft blue-green foliage has a graceful arching habit and is somewhat more clump forming than the straight species. In early summer insignificant cream colored flower spikes appear followed by tan seed clusters. Perfect for tumbling over rocks or massed as a sweeping groundcover. Provides lasting color to the shade garden. Narrow leaf blades add fine texture and contrast. Semi-evergreen in our area. Best growth occurs in the sun but the plant will grow in shade. |
Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger'