Pruning Hydrangeas
Always prune to a bud that faces away from the center of the shrub to encourage outward growth.
Hydrangea macrophylla, Large Leaf Hydrangea:
Prune after flowers have passed in summer. This hydrangea blooms on old wood, meaning that it forms its flower buds for the next year on stems grown the previous summer. Remove up to 1/3 of height from stems.
Customers have noted that their hydrangea macrophylla have beautiful leaves, but no flowers. Or only a couple flowers. This is because the leaf buds are hardier than the flower buds. The leaf buds survive the winter, but sometimes the flower buds do not.
Hydrangea paniculata, Panicle Hydrangea:
These bloom on new and old wood. It is not necessary to prune every year. To maintain a nice shape, prune in fall after flowers have passed, or save the flower heads for some winter interest and prune in early spring.
Hydrangea arborescens, Smooth Hydrangea:
Flowers bloom from new wood. Prune back in fall or early spring. For a more compact plant that won’t be too floppy, you can cut it down close to the ground. Leave at least 6”.
Hydrangea quercifolia, Oak Leaf Hydrangea:
These bloom on old wood. Like panicle hydrangea, these require very little pruning. Prune after flowers have passed in fall or early spring to shape.