Redvein Enkianthus
Enkianthus campanulatus
Enkianthus campanulatus
Genus – Enkianthus
Species – campanulatus Bloom Season – May to June |
Zone Hardiness – 4 - 7
Plant Height – 6’ – 10’ Plant Width – 4’ – 6’ |
Enkianthus campanulatus, commonly known as Redvein Enkianthus, is a medium sized, upright, narrow, deciduous shrub. It can mature at a height of 10’ and a width of 6’. In late spring, it produces bell shaped flowers with red lines in them. The flowers will remind you of Andromeda (Pieris), which are both in the same family. In fall, it displays a brilliant show of color from red, orange, yellow and purple. Here in New Hampshire, we miss the brilliant fall color of the Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus), but you can count on Redvein Enkianthus to give you that beautiful fall color instead!
Redvein Enkianthus prefers acidic soil conditions in an area that provides some shade relief and protects from cold winter winds. If you have a woodland setting where Rhododendrons are growing with Blueberry, Fothergilla, Pieris and are looking for something different and unique to add to the mix, Stratham Circle Nursery recommends Redvein Enkianthus.
Redvein Enkianthus prefers acidic soil conditions in an area that provides some shade relief and protects from cold winter winds. If you have a woodland setting where Rhododendrons are growing with Blueberry, Fothergilla, Pieris and are looking for something different and unique to add to the mix, Stratham Circle Nursery recommends Redvein Enkianthus.