Ruth Ellen Dogwood
Cornus x 'Rutlan'
Cornus x 'Rutlan'
Foliage: Dark green
Fall Foliage: Purple Fruit: --Sterile-- Habit/Form: Upright, Spreading Uses: Accent, Ornamental, Patio Tree |
Zone Hardiness: 5
Plant Height: 18 ft Plant Width: 20 -22 ft Light: Sun/Part Shade Growth Rate: Slow |
Ruth Ellen ® Dogwood is a hybrid cross between Cornus florida and Cornus kousa. It was developed as part of the Stellar® series of dogwoods by Rutgers University. It is noted for its vigorous habit, large-bracted flowers, profuse blooms and resistance to anthracnose and dogwood borer. It is a small deciduous tree with a dense, low-branching, spreading habit. Oriental looking, horizontally-tiered branching habit. In late spring, at the peak of floral display, the trees are brilliant white in appearance and very showy, even from a distance. Oval to elliptic, dark green leaves turn attractive shades of purple in fall. The peeling gray barks adds interest to the winter landscape.