Dark Horse Weigela
Weigela florida 'Variegata'
Weigela florida 'Variegata'
Foliage: Green with pale yellow to creamy white
Fall Foliage: Poor fall color Fruit: Capsule Habit/Form: Mounded Uses: Beds, borders |
Zone Hardiness: 4 - 8
Plant Height: 4 - 6 ft Plant Width: 4 - 6 ft Light: Sun Growth Rate: Medium |
An excellent landscape choice. 'Variegata' is noted for its handsome variegated foliage and pink flowers. Emerging in the spring, narrowly ovate, mid-green leaves line the gracefully arching branches. The are adorned with creamy-white edges which gradually mature to soft pale yellow. In early summer, the shrub is covered with clusters of soft rose-pink buds which open to funnel-shaped, light pink flowers. Hummingbirds find the flowers irresistible! The flowers and foliage hold up well when cut to put in a vase by itself or with other flowers.